October 17, 2011

The Relationship Whisperer.

I believe this is the sign written on my forehead, stuck to my back, hovering over my head and hung on my door. It can't be seen by me, however it's like a freaking neon light flashing to those who are in need. It amazes me that this girl who has had one boyfriend in her entire life, that's me, and who has done nothing to warrant any sort of relationship wisdom, has become the sol provider of said wisdom to friends, some family, and now the girls in my dorm. Yes. I am the relationship whisperer. Come to me all who are stupid and cannot deal with this shit and I will give you sense. Want to know what the number one advice I give people is? HONESTY AND COMMUNICATION. These are not two concepts that are hard to grasp. I mean really. You don't like someone? Don't date them. You do like someone... don't date someone else unless you know without a shadow of a doubt that you have no future, you don't know how to tell someone you like them? Let me help you "I LIKE YOU" I know it's hard to say those particular words in that particular order, but my goodness, it would put you're mind at ease! DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HELPING ALL OF YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS POST. I DO. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. But I mean, I can't be the only one who finds it ironic that the single girl, with a weeks worth of experience, is the one giving you advice... I mean come on... it's kind of funny! :D

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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.