I must say, that in life one must wade through a TON of crappy friends to see whose really there for you in the end. And it's been in the last few years when I've moved to Colorado and then back to Utah that I realize who they truly are. You'd think with today's technology, being friends with someone wouldn't be so difficult. You could call them on the phone, e-mail them, text them, facebook them. And yet I find it incredible that I still only have maybe 5 true friends. And I'm shocked. Not at the people I'm still friends with, but with the people I'm no longer friends with. I mean, these were people who were there for me 24/7 and always had and encouraging word. And now that I don't see them on a weekly basis, they're no longer part of my life. It's like some burdens been lifted off their shoulders since they no loner have to see me every week and be held accountable for their lack of interest or response. But I guess that's the way it goes, I am in essence, a burden really, and when I left, they dropped me. I don't understand that. How you can care about someone, and then just drop them as soon as their 600 miles away? Unless, of coarse, they never really meant anything to you in the first place. Which, I feel as if that may be the case. It sucks.
But let's move onto a happier side of friends. I still have 5 great friends! Who I know are there for me and who either have stayed in contact with me over the years or who I know will. I know who you are. You're amazing people and I'm so glad you're in my life! And of coarse there is my family. If being with my family means finding out who these shitty people are, then so be it. To my 5 wonderful friends, you should know who you are, I love you! thank you for everything and for being there for me, even though we were or are 600 miles away. And to all you crap-tastic friends out there... well be better people.
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