July 29, 2010


I have recently discovered that my flirting skills need a little work. Just an FYI whenever flirting with the opposite sex, you never want to show them your "Ninja" skills. Yes I have made this mistake and am speaking from experience! DON'T DO IT!
I've learned a few basic rules about flirting and it's no wonder I epically FAIL at it, it's because your supposed to be coy and mysterious. I'm blunt and a "what you see is what you get," kind of a gal!

Rule #1:Get caught looking at him.
My problem: I make weird faces when I'm looking at people. I don't mean too, but when they catch me looking at them, I am not giving them a pretty face... it's probably an ugly face that makes me look angry.

Rule #2: Keep it playful
My problem: I can be playful... but I can take things too far.

Rule #3: Compliment him
My problem: Well this one I actually don't need help with. I can give someone a compliment. So we're good here!

Rule #4: Physical contact
My problem: Well that means playfully hitting someone and I don't ever "Playfully" hit anything. If I'm going to hit someone, I'm going to full fledge hit them. Even if I'm trying to be playful I end up hitting too hard... maybe I should try shoving...

Rule #5:Eye Contact
My problem: It's simple, I have focus issues, so if I try to look them in the eye I have to concentrate pretty hard on the task and I end up staring them down and not just having simple eye contact.

Rule #6:Conversation
My problem: I'm opinionated, Well I don't really consider it a flaw. I consider it an asset, it's the people around me who don't like it much... I guess my opinions offend people... hmmm... don't care.

Rule #7:Body Language
My problem: I have one word for you... ninja... that's all I have to say

Rule #8: Keep if fun.
MY problem: I'll let you know when I actually get a date.

Rule #9: Don't go Psycho
My problem: I think we're good here... I'm not psycho. Maybe a little loud but not crazy.

Rule #10:Be Yourself
Now that I can do!

So in short... be yourself! Unless you have a sudden urge to show your ninja skills! There are some things you should keep to yourself.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Mernie you are SOOOO Funny!!!! :D

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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.