November 17, 2011

God the Drill Sargent.

This was my Jesus Bomb this morning. Everyone tells me that I should picture God like a loving parent who gives His children everything they need in life, protects them from harm and has the best of intentions and wants the best for their children. It's an accurate portrayal of God and it's a good one. However, it's not how I see Him.

God is a Drill Sargent. He sends in the recruiters, you sign away your life to be an obedient servant to the army of God, you go to basic training where they tear you completely down and build you back up, then you are sent to the front lines where you fight with all your might against the enemy. I mean honestly. This is life. This is God. God is a hard ass who is constantly pushing you to do more, to do better, to do the best. He is constantly riding your ass and wanting the best from you and for you. What soldier do you know of that ever tells their Drill Sargent "No Sir" or "Why Sir?" The ones that end up with a foot in their ass. The answer should just be "Yes Sir" with the assurance and conviction that where He is leading you is just and right and GOOD. But God isn't just the Drill Sargent that trains you. He is fighting right along with you. If one of His soldiers is M.I.A, He will go out and look until he is found (No man left behind) if one of His soldiers is suffering or mourning, He suffers and mourns right along with them. And He pushes you through.

God meets you where you're at. And He reveals Himself in ways you can understand. I understand the military. I understand that dynamic. I prayed for understanding, and BAMB! Jesus Bomb goes off this morning. The hardest people to reach are the ones who think they know everything (Me) so it's pretty amazing when God directly intervenes and goes "Dude... come one. I know you have the head knowledge, you're a smart person, let's put this in terms you can understand and apply. You get it now?" Yes God. I got it! :)

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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.