November 3, 2010

Are you listening?

"Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find."
-Matthew 7:8

A man asked God to speak to him through a burning bush like he did for Moses, to collapse a wall like he did for Joshua, and to still the waves of a story sea like he did in Galilee. God answered by making the Church on Fire for God, He collapsed the wall of sin, and calmed the storm of a soul. But because the man was looking for a burning bush instead of hearts, he was looking for brick instead of lives, and he was looking for a sea instead of souls, he missed the point.

The man stopped and asked God
"Have you lost your power?"
God Replied
"Have you lost your hearing?"

How often do we ask God to send a sign? How often do we plead with God to answer us? The Bible says he will answer us every time... but we need to be patient and seek Him. We need to stop searching for God with our eyes or listening with our ears, but listen and watch with our hearts. Search for God in everything, because He'll be there.

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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.