November 3, 2010

Sinner Set Free.

"Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free."
-John 8:32
Sin put you in prison and locked you behind the bars of guilt, shame, deception and fear. It shackled you to the wall of misery. Then Jesus came and paid your bail. He served your time, paid the penalty, and set you free. He died for you. And when you cast your lot with Him, your old self died too.

My thoughts:
Someone has to pay the penalty for sin. And the penalty is death. God sent his son Jesus to pay that price. But that doesn't mean we're off the hook. Jesus may have paid for that penalty, but that doesn't mean we are automatically saved. We still have a price to pay. Our price is becoming servants of the Lord. And when we choose this path, we give up the ways of the World, and earnestly seek God, and try to follow what HIS plans for our lives are. We give up control of our life on Earth in hopes of eternal salvation with God. And if you don't choose Him, then you pay the price of death as well. In both body and spirit.

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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.