June 23, 2010

Baby Hungry

This is just a funny story about my cousin Lisa. We were sitting at Golden Coral, having breakfast with the family when the newest member of the family, Antonia Hazel, who is only a month old, sweeps into the arms of Lisa. She sits there and holds her for awhile and we all are looking at her, secretly counting in our heads the number of months or years it will be before she has a baby. She, not knowing our thoughts, looks down at the little newborn and says
"I can feel my uterus throbbing!"
Moral of the story?? LISA IS ONE FUNNY LADY!!!


Tracie said...

Holy Crap that was funny !!!!!!

Garrett & Lisa said...

haha I love that little Asian baby!!!!

Paula said...


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I'm Mareia. More commonly known as Mernie.